
Tugas Bahasa Inggris


___Personal Letter___

Dear : Beryl

   How are you Beryl?, i hope you are fine i want. I want to tell you about the disposal of household waste in the river. In my village the disposal of household waste into the river is common. What about in your village. I hope its not like that. I think we should remind each other and be aware of ourselves so that there is no household waste in the river.

                                                       Kind Regards

                                                 Hendik Astria W.

___Causes and Effects___


   Many species from pollution. There are water pollution, ground pollution, air pollution, and so all. From there, have causes and effects. First is water pollution. We know that, this problem make our self felling afraid. Because, the water is main source of human life.
    Second is ground pollution. Not much different with water pollution, ground pollution also caused by human activity, like the use of pestisida excessive force that can be destructive to soil fertility.
   Third is air pollution. Air pollution is caused from the carbon dioxide excessive so that the number of oxygen dimised, because of the trees are there. In addition, the sewage factory also be a major factor air pollution this so can make humans trouble and can be stricken with asthma.

___Explanation Text___

   Landslide are geological events that arise due to movement of rock or soil masses with various types and types such as the collapse of large lumps of soil or falling rocks. Landslides generally occur in hilly or mountainous areas. There are many regions in indonesia that have muntain and mountain geography that are vulnerable to landslides.
   The cause of landslides is as a result of sudden or gradual changes in composition, structure, hydrology and vegetation on hillsides, these changes can be natural or caused by human behavior. Factors that influence these changes are deforestation, river erosion, earthquakes, heavy rain, explosions in mining areas, vibration by machines in the traffic lane.
   The process of the first landslide  is the absorption of rainwater into the ground so that it affects the load in the soil so that it will be at its maximum limit in containing water. Then the change in the texture of the soil, when the water reaches the impermeable part of the soil, the soil will become slippery, so that it there is avery rapid movement of the soil. The surface of the soil eventually undergoes weathering, as does the structure of the soil layers beneath it to the ground. This is what causes the soil to move then out of the slope and there is a landslide.

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