Minggu, 13 September 2020

Phase 4


》Link youtube Group 1 (12 MIPA 7)《

Problem CV. Agar Sari Jaya factory
Group 1:
1. Alivia Faizatuz Zahro (01)
2. Hendik Astria Wiranda (16)
3. Sealy Khalifah Anggraini (26)
4. Syafira Anastasya Salsabillah (29)
5. Zahrani Aniela Hakiki (36)

2 komentar:

  1. My name is Citra from mipa6 '18. permission to comment on stage 4 & 5 video assignments. In my opinion, the video is good, but there is no real picture of the problem, such as the image of garbage that occurs in the environment around the factory so that we as the audience do not really know the real condition of the problem and there. There were also group members who were not fluent in explaining the material. Thanks.

  2. My name is firman from mipa6'18.I want to comment here on the problems in the video above.. The topic used is quite interesting, but the presenter when explaining the topic being discussed is somewhat unclear even though it has been translated into the video.thank you
